Dog Licensing

State statutes and the Town of Perry require all dogs to be licensed and vaccinated for rabies.  Licenses are valid from January 1st to December 31st and are to be purchased annually.

2025 Dog License Fees – NEW RATES PER DANE COUNTY

Spayed or Neutered Dog:  $20.00
Un-spayed or Un-neutered Dog:  $30.00
Multiple Dog Licenses/Kennel (for 4-12 dogs):  $56.00

To obtain a dog license:

  • Mail the rabies vaccination certificate, signed by your vet, for each dog.  This certificate will indicate the current rabies tag number, vaccine manufacturer, and corresponding lot/serial number.  This document will be returned to you.
  • Make a check payable to “Town of Perry” (separate from your property tax check) in the exact amount.
  • Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the tags and the return of the vaccination certificate.


Mail items to:

Town of Perry Treasurer, Stephanie Zwettler
9730 County Hwy A
Mount Horeb, WI  53572

For questions, please contact the Town Treasurer at 608-832-6747 or