10084 County Highway A
Mount Horeb, WI 53572
Located in the southwest corner of Dane County, the Town of Perry is thirty-six square
miles of gently rolling hills with abundant wildlife and rural beauty. (map)
Named in honor of Admiral Oliver Hazard Perry,
Naval Commander in the War of 1812
Population 737 (2023)
Town Of Perry Updates:
Town of Perry
Public Test – Voting Equipment
Town Hall
10084 CTH A
Monday, February 10, 2025
10:00 AM
The Town of Perry Chief Election Inspector and the Town Clerk will conduct tests of the DS200 and the Express Vote voting equipment on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 10:00 AM at the Town Hall, 10084 CTH A, in accordance with Wisconsin Statute §5.84(1).
Mary L. Price, Town Clerk
Public Test Notice
Town of Perry
Notice of Election
February 18, 2025
Notice is hereby given of a Primary Election to be held in the Town of Perry on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Polls will be open at the Perry Town Hall, 10084 CTH A, from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Mary Price, Clerk
Town of Perry
Notice of Spring Election
April 1, 2025
State of Wisconsin
Town of Perry
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of an election to be held in the Town of Perry, Dane County, on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. The following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed. All terms are for two years unless otherwise indicated.
Office Incumbent
Town Board Chairman Roger Kittleson
Town Board Supervisor I Ken Hefty
Town Board Supervisor II Mick Klein Kennedy
Town Treasurer Stephanie Zwettler
Town Clerk Mary Price
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Caucus, for the purpose of nominating candidates to appear on the spring election ballot for the above-listed offices, will be held on a date not sooner than January 2, 2025, and not later than January 21, 2025. Notice of the scheduled date of the caucus will be given at least five days before the caucus.
Dated in the Town of Perry on November 21, 2024.
Mary L. Price, Clerk
TDS Commits to High-Speed Internet Service for the Town of Perry
Contact TDS to Request a Possible Interim Service Upgrade
TDS Telecommunications Inc. has announced it will bring high-speed internet service to the Town of Perry residents.
In a January 10, 2024, letter to State Senator Dianne Hesselbein and Representative Mike Bare, TDS committed to upgrading Perry’s existing low-speed copper wire network by building a new broadband fiber optic network in the town. The new network will offer speeds over 100/20 megabits per second (Mbps). The average speed in Perry is 12.6/3.7 Mbps.
Town of Perry Chairman Roger Kittleson told TDS he was delighted to read about TDS’s commitment to the Town and looks forward to hearing more from TDS as the project moves forward.
Under current FCC rules, the high-speed fiber optic service project must be completed by 2028. Until then, it may be possible for some Town residents to upgrade their existing low-speed copper wire internet service to a higher-speed copper wire service called “bonded twisted pair.”
Town residents interested in upgrading their service to “bonded twisted pair” should contact TDS to request an evaluation to determine if it can be done at their location.
A request can be made using this link:
Town of Perry 2023 Community Survey Results
Thank you to everyone participating in the 2023 Community Survey distributed this summer.
Here are the results:
Survey presentation (color)
Survey presentation (grayscale)
Town of Perry 2023 Community Survey – with results listed
Broadband results
Survey comments
Survey presentation – 2 slides per page
Tell us about your broadband experience. Wisconsin Internet Self-Report (WISER) is an internet survey and speed test that will be used to advise Wisconsin’s broadband planning efforts. Everyone is encouraged to take the survey and help us create a better broadband map. You may take the survey multiple times to report on additional locations, connections or to take an updated speed test. WISER will serve as a long-standing tool to track broadband service over time. Contact the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to learn more!
The Friends of the Parks of Perry Township, Inc., is a non-profit organization that was established in 2004 to develop and maintain parks within Perry township.
For updates on past and future events, projects, and community support, please read the
Friends of Perry Parks Newsletter – Spring 2023 (5/25/23 – update on page 16).
Friends of the Perry Parks is also taking orders for personalized, engraved pavers for the Heritage Circle Paver Fundraising Project, to be located in the Town of Perry Hauge Historic District Park.
The Heritage Circle is open to everyone. By purchasing a paver, you will join others who, over the years, have helped support the protection and preservation of the Hauge Log Church National Historic Site. The Heritage Circle includes pavers inscribed with names and messages honoring individuals, families, veterans, organizations, and those who have cherished this place, as well as those who might never have seen it. See the newsletter listed above for additional photos and information.
For details on the park, please see the Hauge District Park Brochure and 2023 Map.
And for information on becoming a Friends of Perry Parks member, please see the
Friends of Parks Membership Renewal and Brochure 2023.
Wisconsin DNR American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
Funded Well Grant Program
The DNR Well Grant programs are providing funding to well and water system owners to replace, reconstruct, treat, or abandon their wells or water systems.
More information about the Grant Programs can be found here:
ARPA Well Compensation Grant Program or ARPA Well Abandonment Grant Program
Free Firewood Available
Firewood is available from the trees that were cut
down at the Hauge Historic District Park.
Please contact Mick Klein Kennedy
for the availability and location of the wood.
Mick Klein Kennedy cell phone: 608-843-3297